Print your wedding photos!

Sadly, the wedding album is the first expense couples decide to cut when planning their wedding. It’s fairly understandable, since they already have to put so much money into everything else.

Besides, modern society has shown us that we can do everything without paper.

So is it really necessary to print our wedding photos and design an album?

Yes, it is!

Nowadays we believe that what really matters is the present: we post a photo on Instagram but after 3 days nobody remembers it.

Have you ever been in that situation where you had to scroll your social for entire minutes before finding the photo you where looking for?

And what about that folder of photos in that hard disk without a label, forgotten in your desk?

Is this what you wish for your wedding photos?

Sometimes, when I visit my dad and feel nostalgic I grab the box of family photographs and spend hours looking at them, sitting on the floor with chocolate and coffee: look how handsome my grandpa was, how much I look like my grandma, my parents as babies, me as a baby. My mom, who passed a few years ago, smiling at the photo of my dad when he was the young man she met. My brother with that stupid teddy bear with one missing eye.

That’s why is important to print our images, because memories tend to fade over time, and in 10, 20, 30 years we will have nothing of our digital legacy.

We need to remember the key moments of our life, and have them in our hands, instead that on our iPhone.

A wedding album is the book you will show to relatives and friends, is the book you will look at anniversaries, the book your children and grandchildren will see.

You have already spent so much money for your wedding, don’t let it disappear.


4 things to tell your wedding photographer


Shoutout to all the vendors in the wedding industry